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Preventief onderhoud

Effectively maintaining and servicing business critical equipment is critical for all stakeholders.

Effective preventive reconditioning of your machines and other business-critical equipment is of great importance for the continuity of your business operations. Find out what preventive reconditioning is, why it's important, and how AREPA can help your business do just that. In this article we answer questions such as:

What is preventive maintenance?

Over time, pollution in and on your machines and installations can cause failures or downtime. Preventive maintenance or reconditioning is used to prevent defects and/or malfunctions due to contamination of machines and technical installations before they happen. AREPA specialists can help increase productivity, reliability, and the overall life cycle of the machine or equipment through preventive maintenance.

Why preventive reconditioning of machines and installations?

By applying routine preventive maintenance, particularly technical reconditioning (cleaning the contamination that can lead to malfunctions), you prevent technical installations from failing and thus causing unnecessary operating downtime, which endangers your continuity. In addition, you increase the reliability of your machinery, reduce the chance of repair costs, and ensure minimum downtime. But there are more advantages to preventive cleaning of your machines and installations.

What is the advantage of preventive maintenance?

Preventive cleaning ensures that...

  • you can continue to carry out your business activities with peace of mind
  • the risk of failure of machines and installations is greatly reduced
  • the work safety of your employees operating the machines and installations increases

Therefore, our advice is to periodically have your machines and/or technical installations preventively reconditioned. Preventive cleaning is recorded in a maintenance plan. This plan is of great importance to detect and remove incipient pollution that can lead to disruptions and or outages at an early stage.

How do you make a good maintenance plan?

We are happy to give you a number of tips to set up a maintenance plan. Of course, our technical specialists are happy to think alongside of you!

  1. Map your machinery and installations. Keep in mind which machines and installations are most important for your business activities - place those at the top of the list.
  2. Make it clear what the weaknesses of each machine and installation are. This makes it clear where most of the attention during the preventive cleaning process lies.
  3. Create an plan for each machine and installation component - explaining how you can apply preventive reconditioning to prevent the most common malfunctions.
  4. Create a detailed description of the desired reconditioning action for each machine and installation
  5. Make sure that the right technical specialists are aware of the desired action(s) in time.

Evaluate the plan regularly. This way this is always up-to-date and you prevent working with an outdated plan. A maintenance plan must also be clear. For example, use a checklist where you can check off tasks or actions.

AREPA's technical specialists are happy to help you draw up an appropriate maintenance plan for preventive reconditioning of your machinery and installations.

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What can AREPA do for you?

At AREPA, we perform preventive maintenance on all technical equipment. We’re the experts you need when vital equipment and systems are damaged, and based on our long experience with repairing and restoring technical equipment after damages, we also have a depth of experience advising company personnel on best practices for maintaining equipment and preventing premature equipment failures or obsolescence.

Over 40 years of experience

Thanks to our more than 40 years of experience in the field of technical reconditioning of equipment all over the world, we use the best and latest methods. In addition, we provide sound advice to prevent malfunctions or failure of your equipment. Our services in this area are broad but can be customized to any businesses’ needs. At a minimum, all AREPA Preventive Maintenance services include an overall assessment and evaluation of the equipment’s current condition, as well as suggestions for improvements to equipment operations and performance.

What qualifies for preventive reconditioning?

Arepa's technical specialists have extensive experience in preventive cleaning of machines, equipment, and installations such as:

  • Business Critical Equipment
  • Electrical Cabinets and Controls
  • Equipment/systems prone to environmental/manufacturing byproducts (i.e., dust, humidity)
  • Process Equipment
  • Server Rooms

We are happy to think along with you!

Curious about what we can do for the periodic cleaning of your machines or technical installations? Our specialists are happy to think alongside of you! Contact us on +1 312 667 5093 or fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Her holder vi til

AREPAs merkevare ble etablert i Silkeborg, Danmark, for nesten 40 år siden, med virksomhet i Nederland, Sverige og Storbritannia. Kjøpt opp av Envista Forensics i 2017, en global leder innen rettsmedisinsk rådgivning, ble AREPAs europeiske operasjoner kombinert med Envistas velkjente linje for utstyrsrestaurering, TekPro Global, i Nord-Amerika. Samlet sett har AREPA en av de største og mest erfarne teamene av restaureringsspesialister i bransjen.

"It has been a great experience and pleasure working with the AREPA team. The activities performed by AREPA assisted the Honda Engine Plant in resuming a normal production environment quickly and to plan. I would recommend them to any Company that requires some form of recovery assistance."
Andrew Silver, Engine Plant Manager, Honda

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